
BigID's Data Privacy Suite offers a unified platform that enables organizations to manage privacy across their data ecosystem effectively. From data discovery and classification to consent management and breach response, We provide the tools needed to navigate the complex privacy landscapes and establish a culture of privacy within your organization.

Key Features
~Data discovery and mapping for PI & PII across all data, everywhere
~ Privacy preference management from data requests to cookie consent ~ Customizable workflows and 360 visibility
- End-to-end DSAR automation at scale with automated deletion workflows and continuous validation
~ Simplified regulatory reporting for RoPA data processing, 3rd party data sharing, and breach notifications
~ Data lifecycle management across structured & unstructured data
~ Reduce risk based on content and context with advanced policies, remediation, and access intelligence

This product is intended for

  • Chief Privacy Officer
  • Data Protection Officer
  • Privacy Officer
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Privacy Manager
  • Chief Information Security Officer
  • Director of Risk Management
  • Data Privacy Analyst


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