David Wiener’s Post

The digital advertising landscape is facing a crisis. A staggering 67% of consumers are skipping interruptive ads and abandoning websites, while 42% are paying to avoid them entirely. The traditional model of interruptive advertising is crumbling, and the industry is stuck in an endless cycle of producing interruptive, annoying ads that get blocked or ignored at the final step of delivery to the consumer, ultimately delivering zero value. Beyond Ad Avoidance: Rethinking the Future: Consumers are not just avoiding ads—they're demanding value, respect, and relevance. It's time to ditch the old ways and embrace a bolder, consumer-centric approach that is also better for world-class brands. Monetization and user satisfaction must go hand in hand. Here are 3 key ways to address this: - Value-Driven Content: Create ads that consumers actually want to see. Craft contextually relevant content that does the hard work of storytelling, entertaining, and delivering a brand message. - Privacy and Trust: With 54% of users blocking ads over privacy concerns, transparency is non-negotiable. Brands must be crystal clear about their role in order to build trust. - Non-Intrusive Ads: Integrate ads seamlessly into user experiences. Native advertising that blends with content that consumers love can revolutionize engagement. In Scene Media is a new format that delivers on the scale of digital media, with the non-intrusive nature that consumers appreciate. The findings from All About Cookies and Pollfish are a wake-up call and a golden opportunity. It's time for digital marketers to innovate and adapt, transforming ad avoidance into a powerful chance for growth and deeper engagement without interruption. If you are interested in learning more about In Scene Media powered by AI, give us a shout at Rembrand! Thanks to John Sedlak for shooting over this article from his favorite trade rag. https://lnkd.in/getr3ry5 #DigitalMarketing #AdTech #UserExperience #Innovation #FutureOfAdvertising #NonInterruptive

Ad Avoidance: Most Consumers Have Blocked Them On Sites

Ad Avoidance: Most Consumers Have Blocked Them On Sites


Kristen Sesto

Influencer marketing.. but make it b2b.


Publishers are struggling (understandably) to monetize but are lacking innovation. Agencies and brands have been so far down a measurement and targeting rabbit hole for the past 10 years that they haven't taken enough notice to clued up consumers that now have (many!) options. Both also blame walled gardens but tend to ignore the inconvenient truth that the UX is usually just much better than your standard publisher (b2b or b2c). More organic experiences are the only way forward. 😊

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