Rachel Feintzeig’s Post

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Work & Life Columnist at The Wall Street Journal

Are you being too cynical about work? I've been wanting to tackle the topic of cynicism at work for ages, and a new book from Jamil Zaki, a psychologist at Stanford, gave me occasion to finally dig in. If you find yourself rolling your eyes at company events, loathe to trust your colleagues, snarking on the sidelines - or if you've just noticed everyone else doing the same - this is a column for you. I trace how we got here, how to fix it and my biggest question: is fighting our cynical sides going to make us too soft? After all, much about our collective negativity makes sense. Many workers made work their church, only to end up laid off, burned out or underpaid. But Zaki says cynicism is a self-fulfilling prophecy that hurts our mental and physical health. Click through for more, and chime in with your own take on cynicism - what it looks like for you, how you've beaten or embraced it - below. I'd love to hear. https://lnkd.in/etKk7_ib

Quit Being a Cynic at Work. It’s Holding You Back.

Quit Being a Cynic at Work. It’s Holding You Back.


Joe T.

"Likes" get comments-only accepting invitations to those with 500+ connections-Mutual value needs to be present for all connections-both of us must Benefit from this Connection


But who could not become highly Cyclical in the blathering repetitive empty mind workplace?-where it seems a smaller percentage of employees is doing the majority of the work ?-Most companies are soul sucking and soul destroying-Fake Not being cyclical is the answer lol-Is the workplace a Performance(acting) of sorts? sounding Like you "mean it" daily is the Performance-Go where you are Invigorated-Go where some People give a damn about your daily? Go where it matters-Life is Short

Pamela Codispoti Habner

Head of US Branded Cards & Lending at Citi


Optimism beats out cynicism every day of the week. I think this idea coupled with assuming positive intent with colleagues and partners goes a long way!

Joseph Greene

Materials & Process Engineering, R&D, Manufacturing


Could some of this relate to feeling trapped in unfulfilling employment, this being a byproduct of aversion to the risk inherent in change? My first employment left much to be desired, but the situation resolved itself when I was laid off. This turned out to be an unexpected blessing, as job #2 was so much better. Later on, there was a voluntary job change, then another layoff that landed me in aerospace. Each change yielded positive results in terms of responsibility, earning power, and career satisfaction. Perhaps the cynics need to figure out what else they want, then take a chance on finding it. =

Bruce B. May

Retirement Purgatory


Cynicism can be a valuable survival skill. To believe the best in everyone, or blind trust, is an invitation to exploitation by those who do act solely out of self-interest. And all too many do. Organizations should find room for the cynics and pay attention to their Jeremiads. Particularly now, in this new era of McCarthyism (I am looking left, not right) demanding conformity. The oath is different but the consequences of failing to take the oath are all the same and it’s the culture of conformity that is corrosive, not the cynic.

Akhil Vashistha

Independent Freelance Consultant/Prominent Elite Advisor(Philanthropy/Spirituality/Corporate/Education/Social Service Domains)


Esteemed Elite Panelist, In today's world scenario where there is a propensity of being ultimate in respected domain, people are more prone to be trapped in cynicism approach. Here are few points that will help all of us to overcome it's excessive dose are listed below:- 1. Always succinct the level of assertiveness accordance to your working surroundings. 2. Do not execute the process of preemptive analysis in early situations. 3. Try to find out the impetus of being too cynical in approach. 4. Work on how to synchronize your self - centred approach with practical societal community alignments. 5. Try to be appeased in command during your situational transformation. 6. Familiarize your way of working with your peers/colleagues in a healthy discussion & reciprocate them with esteemed wordings. 7. To find the resolution of conundrum in this respect, bonhomie the directives less in personel discretion rather than collective one. 8. Move step forward to join the Coterie for being more expressive. 9. After doing these, kindly analysis the post applied measures to check it's efficacy level. 10. After sometime of rigorous execution of above said steps, you will be able to manage the cynicism approach phenomenically.

Eileen Smith



Great article, Rachel. To quote Margaret Thatcher, "Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become habits. Watch your habits for they become your character. And watch your character for it becomes your destiny. What we think, we become." Cynicism can manifest itself to be true. As can optimism. Or realism.

Michael Gardon

BREAK corporate dependence. Build a Self Directed career for your Freedom, Family and Finances.


I learned Hanlon’s Razor a long time ago and that helped me a lot: never attribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance. we don’t need to make things worse by assuming the most negative view. Most people aren’t out causing issues on purpose.

Amanda Reill

Corporate Retreats | Author-Harvard Business Review | ICF-Certified Coach | Ghostwriter | Trying to become a wise old woman


Rachel Feintzeig Cynicism is just not creating a world I want to live in. If we only get one shot at this, that's just not the flavor I want! I'm glad you're writing about this - it needs to be said.

Dr Kumar MD (AM), PGPC, MPC

Mental Health Advisor, Coach, Consultant, Counsellor, Expert, Guide, Speaker, Talk Therapist, a Problem Identifier-Solver: Individuals | Employees' Well-being Specialist: International Small-Medium-Large Corporates.


Absolutely, here's why cynicism is a major roadblock to career growth: 1. Cynical outlook zaps enthusiasm making it harder to find the drive to go above and beyond. 2. Cynics come across as disengaged & critical, qualities that don't impress potential employers or those in leadership positions. 3. Cynical mindset makes resistant to learning new things, taking on new challenges, which limits skill development and growth potential. 4. Constant negativity strains relationships with colleagues, supervisors, making it harder to build a strong network and support system. So, what to do if you're feeling cynical at work? 1. Is there something specific fueling cynicism? Address the root cause & shift your perspective. 2. Make a conscious effort to find things to appreciate about your job, your colleagues, company culture. 3. Instead of dwelling on problems, channel your energy into finding solutions & making improvements. 4. Look for opportunities to learn new skills, take new responsibilities, network with inspiring individuals. A positive and proactive attitude is key to career advancement. If your cynicism stems from deeper issues, a toxic work environment, it might be time to consider a job change or seek professional help.

Saravanan Manavalan

Team Lead @ Parijat Industries | MS Organic Chemistry


Cynicism vs. Realism: Cynicism can be a shield against disappointment, but it can also distort reality. True strength lies in acknowledging challenges with a clear-eyed perspective. Focus on Action: Instead of getting bogged down by negativity, channel your energy into creating positive change. Focus on what you can control and make a difference in. Celebrate Progress: Progress, no matter how small, is worth celebrating. Recognizing even minor wins can help sustain motivation and combat cynicism.

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