Newton County School System’s Post

Happy National School Communicators Day! Today, we're celebrating the incredible work of our dynamic communications team at Newton County Schools! A huge shoutout to Mrs. Sherri Partee, Director of Public Relations, and Mr. Derrick Barnes, Communications and Visual Media Coordinator. Sherri and Derrick are the creative minds behind all our communications efforts, from crafting impactful press releases to designing eye-catching graphics, managing our digital content and website, engaging our community on social media, liaising with the media, capturing memorable moments through photography, and organizing special events like our Partners in Education program, Teacher of the Year program, and Employee Retirement Dinner program. They truly do it all with passion and excellence! In the past two years alone, our NCS Communications Team has been recognized with an impressive 86 state and national awards for their outstanding publications and video journalism. Their dedication, creativity, and commitment to showcasing the best of Newton County Schools make them invaluable assets to our district. Join us in applauding Sherri and Derrick for their hard work, innovation, and unwavering dedication to keeping our community informed and inspired. Thank you for everything you do!

  • National School Communicators Day...celebrating Derrick Barnes and Sherri Partee

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