Mat Honan’s Post

We have a super interesting story up today on AI in the OR. A company called Surgical Safety Technologies has developed the equivalent of an airplane black box recorder that captures everything taking place during a surgery via an array of cameras, microphones, and sensors. On the back end, it can produce a summary and evaluate the performance of the surgery. The idea is to help reduce medical mistakes, help surgeons become better at their jobs, help the operating room run more smoothly. But, despite its anonymizing features, it is not without controversy. "The idea of recording everything presents a slew of tricky questions around privacy and could raise the threat of disciplinary action and legal exposure. Because of these concerns, some surgeons have refused to operate when the black boxes are in place, and some of the systems have even been sabotaged. Aside from those problems, some hospitals don’t know what to do with all this new data or how to avoid drowning in a deluge of statistics." It's a great read, that dives into some of the secrecy surrounding surgery. #ai #medicine #surgery

This AI-powered “black box” could make surgery safer

This AI-powered “black box” could make surgery safer

Brad Knowles

Sr. Systems Engineer at Applied Digital (APLD)


As a patient, I would be very hesitant to have these kinds of recordings made of any surgery that I was having done. As we know, healthcare companies are popular targets for ransomware and other types of concentrated malware attacks. I would be concerned about any additional information the healthcare companies might have about me which could be potentially breached by attackers. I would want them to have really gotten their … defecation … together and proven that they really understand something about computer security, and all the attackers have moved on to other industries. After that, maybe then they can start gathering more information, because they will have finally demonstrated that they understand how important it is that they actually protect all the data they collect.

Thank you for this insightful article highlighting the transformative potential of our AI-powered Black Box Platform. While we understand the concerns around privacy and data usage, our mission remains steadfast - leveraging cutting-edge technology to revolutionize surgical care through unprecedented transparency, precision, and patient safety. We're committed to working collaboratively with healthcare providers to address these challenges head-on and pave the way for AI-driven innovations that can save lives and elevate the entire surgical ecosystem to new heights of excellence. Your article reinforces the urgency of this mission, and we're excited to continue this important dialogue.

Robert Svebeck

Constantly Optimistic | Never Satisfied


Most people dislike the idea of having an AI listening in to a meeting to take notes, so this it not surprising to me. Similar feeling to attend an online meeting in a packed metro. Makes us passive doesn’t it?

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