Kira Fonteneau’s Post

When Facing Disciplinary Action at Work - Stay Calm, Get Clarity, Sign 📝 As an employment lawyer helping people fight unfair discipline, here are the 3 crucial steps if your boss calls you in for a written warning: Stay calm. You won't convince them they're wrong by losing your cool. Listen intently, ask clarifying questions, and take diligent notes - but don't argue your case yet. Ask for time to prepare a formal response. After the meeting, collect your thoughts and draft a respectful written rebuttal laying out your side with supporting details. Sign the write-up, acknowledging receipt - not agreement. Too many employees dig in and refuse to sign, escalating the situation needlessly. Signing simply documents you received it, nothing more. If it helps, you can even note in writing that your signature means acknowledgment, not acceptance, and that you'll provide a response. But don't forfeit your job over this principle. The key is de-escalating in the moment while properly preserving your ability to respond later. React rashly, and you may win the battle emotionally but lose the wider war. Want to learn more tips for deftly handling disciplinary issues? Follow for insider insights. #WorkplaceDiscipline #EmployeeRights #SmartResponseStrategies

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