Information Commissioner's Office’s Post

Questions about SARs? We’ve got the answers. Looking for information on: ❔ Extending deadlines to responses? 👉 Our extension guide: 👉 Our Accountability Framework ❔ Excessive and unfounded requests? 👉 Manifestly unfounded request guide: 👉 Definition of manifestly unfounded 👉 Clarification guide 👉 Guidance for employers: ❔ any special considerations for the education sector? 👉 SARs and education data 👉 public advice on accessing pupil’s information: 👉 audit reports of SAR handling in education:

  • Image shows a series of red filing cabinets with the words Subject Access Requests across them.
J A R.

Extensive experience across HMP Service (Governor),the National Probation Service (drug specialist), Surrey Police (Secondee Probation officer working alongside DIU) to divert prolific nominals away from crime,


What would be great is if your case workers were conversant with safeguarding legislation and upheld the UKGDPR fairness principle, rather than say oh….they had a lawful basis as they were safeguarding….. DHSC SHARE consensus is clear…..if you have an adult, with capacity that poses no risk to others …and disents to data sharing is unlawful to share that data. If a LA has been passed a SCARF safeguarding form from the Police and the person doesn’t meet the care act criteria 2014. …the Council have no lawful basis to accept it. If the Council then shares that data without the permission of the data controller…it is unlawful and breaches DPA 2018. If the Council share the SCARF with a non statutory safegiarding authority..they are breaking the law. Vital interest cannot be used if a person is capable of consent but refuses. Your case workers were incompetent in my case…didn’t undertpstand safeguarding and supported epistemic violence and organisational abuse. You came get the basics right r

Useful guidance and quality advice especially in the audit review.

I think this is a good bit of work. The early emphasis on fines and authority being more than a little counter productive. Education has always been far more sensible to my mind. Not least because of the major commercial risk none com0liance gives rise to. Please keep on doing this kind of thing.


Head of Property at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust


What would be really useful is if Case Workers were sufficiently trained to understand that there are other areas of UK legislation that require data to be retained for either certain periods or indefinitely. Too many fail to either know of or understand other legislation that requires Local Authorities to retain information as a Statutory Requirement. There is a lack of basic competence here.

You need to be much tougher enforcing the rules around SAR requests - especially when there are serious outcomes on individuals for not following GDPR. It seems that caseworkers are extremely reluctant to flex any muscle and the outward impression is that it is not understood properly. Atrocious organisation.

Merili Suluap

Data Privacy Ops #practitioner


Gj, quite useful for intro level.

Husnara Islam

Information Disclosure Officer at Financial Conduct Authority

Sian Green

Data and Regulatory Compliance Advisor


Manmeet Bagga some useful hints and tips 🥰

Stephen P Beckett

Chief Executive Officer @ The Data Protection Group Limited | Data Privacy Best Practices


Great resource

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