Information Commissioner's Office’s Post

It might not be possible to prevent every personal data breach, but you can reduce the risk significantly. Here are a few steps you can take: 👉 Store personal information securely. 👉 Review and monitor your access controls. 👉 Make sure staff are frequently trained. 👉 Back up your systems. 👉 Have a remote working policy if you have staff working off-site. 👉 Name your documents clearly and consistently. These are only half of the steps you can take, read the full guidance on our website:

  • Woman in striped shirt with glasses looking at her tablet

Minimise data: reduce the amount of data processing, reduce data sharing and reduce data retention. The less you have and do: the less it costs and the less you can lose.

J A R.

Extensive experience across HMP Service (Governor),the National Probation Service (drug specialist), Surrey Police (Secondee Probation officer working alongside DIU) to divert prolific nominals away from crime,


What it is possible to do is to properly addresses breaches of personal data …instead of letting your caseworkers ignorance in safeguarding think that any data can be shared. Your current practice supports epistemic violence and does not comply with safeguarding legislation…you case workers actions add more distress and distrust in a failing system.

Francis K.

Data protection & privacy, cybersecurity, AI/new technology lawyer


This is simple advice that is often overlooked. I help a lot of clients, of all shapes and sizes, with data breaches and it’s amazing how often small failings can lead to big problems!

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