Geoff Hollingworth’s Post

For those of you that missed it live see the on demand recording below. For those of you that are too busy to watch TL;DR: Why do we do cloud? We do cloud to increase efficiency and to increase speed of execution to become more responsive, agile and competitive in the marketplace. But here is the problem - have we seen that? The 2023 spend on internal telco cloud in 2024 is estimated to be 24 BUSD, going up to $139 BUSD in 2032. That means we are already 24 BUSD in the hole before we can even break even. So are we seeing those returns? I believe we are in some places, but not in others. I believe BT Group took a lead on understanding how to do cloud first hand, and not outsourcing the problem to vendors. Cloud is something you do, not something you buy. You get the 29 BUSD++ return through transforming operations from manual, error prone, and slow, to automated, work once work always, and fast. You get it back through using cloud not buying cloud. To be successful in cloud you have to first focus on what you are going to stop doing because of it's presence... Thank you to the fellow participants: Michele Campriani Andrew Coward Mirko Voltolini and to our hosts: Greg Mccall Guy Daniels TelecomTV If you want to learn more about how we in Rakuten Symphony and Rakuten Mobile, Inc. have tackled cloud please reach out: Vivek K. Chadha Vaibhav Dongre. Learn also how we are helping companies move off VMWare if they need. #5g #cloud

Leveraging telco cloud for advanced operations

Leveraging telco cloud for advanced operations

Andrew Collinson

MD, Connective Insight | Connecting minds in telecoms & connected tech | Research, thought leadership, facilitation and strategic advisory


Nice summary thanks Geoff

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