Alexander Crawford’s Post

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Founder and CEO @ Human Phase AB | Conversation Curator, Futurist and Sustainability Expert | FRSA

Professor Johan Rockström is one of the leading earth systems scientists in the world. He has for decades looked at evidence, observations, theories, and model simulations of what is happening to our home planet. Not only when it comes to climate, but also all the other planetary boundaries. In this keynote address to a conference in Berlin last week, Johan laid out the latest findings. The diagnosis he presents is, to put it bluntly, frightening. Sit down comfortably, have a cup of coffee nearby, and read through these few pages a few times. Let it sink in. And then ask yourself, what can I do today to tackle the challenge, or ease the necessary transition? #planetaryboundaries #climatecrisis #tippingpoints #sustainability #sustainabilityleadership


Asle Gunnar Frydenlund SMA

WOSP360 Navigation Platform for Sustainability, Water-stress, Climate, Human Rights, and ESG solutions. WOSP360 Black Belt Training & Certification. Remote Operations, Robotics, AI and Quantum Analytics


Thank you for sharing Alexander, though I have not read it yet I know what it contains and especially important what it means and even more importantly how we can take on this situation if those of us who are trained to find solutions are listening too right now. The tipping points we know not a lot as we have never been here before but by studying natures 4billion years in the making it’s not the first extinction scenario it has been in but this is eventually the sixth time and we know what happened previously. Messing with the photosynthesis process we will get the sixth time and the first part things show sign of collapsing is most serious when the water cycle is broken, which we see is breaking down day by day and it’s not understood. Everyone understand hot magma, lite the cores 3000 degrees liquid rocks get water posted over it, its reaction will be violent. Now think volcanic activities leaves a long open crack at the bottom of the Mariana Trenches at 11 km deep water and it all flooding the core magma. In a slow reacting this made our atmosphere possible and in a rapid process it will destroy it in minutes. Maybe nothing to drink but time to listen as I do not like scaremongering, we know how preventing collaps

Eric Vautrin

Change Strategist | Leadership Consultant | Master's in Change 🇵🇸


Alexander Crawford thanks, I will read it for sure. In the same vain, this presentation by Nate Hagens talks about what is inevitably coming in one form or another and what we can do about it (he talks about responses rather than solutions):

Pio Barone Lumaga

Mentoring, doing things that matter for a better world, design and creativity


Thank you Alexander Crawford! Transcript prof Johan Rockström who has researched for decades on climate change, earth diverse boundaries, tipping points & sustainability leadership

Johannah Bernstein

International Environmental Lawyer


The first thing I’m going to do is have dinner with you tomorrow night. I call that a great first step xxx

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