From the course: Writing with Impact

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Three top tips for writing with impact

Three top tips for writing with impact

From the course: Writing with Impact

Three top tips for writing with impact

- Good writing does not withhold. It gives value right from the start while promising yet more to keep the reader hooked. So it's only fair that I give you the essence of this course upfront with the understanding that the details are yet to come. In short, it comes down to three points. Write short, write clear, and write right. You write short to get the most out of a limited resource, attention, and it's really, really limited. A study by the contents analytics company ChartBeat found that half of website visitors click away within 15 seconds, and YouTube has six second ads. But no matter how much time you have, you want to make as strong an impact as possible right up front. So choose your words carefully and throw away the rest. You write clear to get the most out of another limited resource, understanding. Writing clear means knowing how people read generally and how your audience reads specifically. But…
