From the course: Writing with Impact

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Responding to what readers want

Responding to what readers want

From the course: Writing with Impact

Responding to what readers want

- Earlier in this course, I praised "think" the century old IBM slogan that beautifully encapsulates the company's mission. It's short and it's clear, but now think about applying that slogan to Coca-Cola. Doesn't make any sense, does it? Coke doesn't think. Coke adds life. IBM doesn't add life. IBM thinks. But that's obvious, isn't it? Well, it's obvious to us now. Both IBM and Coca-Cola are century old brands with well-established audiences, but usually we as writers are working with newer products and companies. So how can we tell whether our brand is a think or an adds life? Market research to the rescue. In short, you talk to prospective customers to determine what about your product is attractive to them. Market research is a big subject, much bigger than this course. So do check out our courses in our marketing foundation series to learn more. We have one on market research and another on qualitative research,…
