From the course: Writing with Impact

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Matching style to genre

Matching style to genre

- The techniques in this course add arrows to your quiver. But no matter how many arrows you have, you'll miss the target if you don't aim. What works in one situation will fail completely in another if it seems strange or inappropriate to the reader. As I said earlier, there's no such thing as generic good writing. Writing is only good for its rightness to purpose. So I'd like to use this video to collect together ideas from earlier and apply them in a variety of genres. Once again, here's our original hotel text. No need to read it now unless you want to, in which case, just pause the video. The points that we're trying to get across are the Landon Hotel was founded in 1952 by Arthur Landon, a frequent traveler. He started his first hotel in London, and now, there are Landon hotels throughout Europe and North America. The fun part is we're going to retell this story in three ways. We'll start with the script for a…
