From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Why I created this course

Why I created this course

(light gentle music) - So remember in the last lecture when I told you that I've sold more than 17 novels to major publishers? Well, I have a little confession to make. I haven't always been that successful in the novel-writing field. I have a literal drawer full of rejection letters. The first book I wrote never got published. Why? Well, I now realize it's because it had no story. And that's exactly what the rejection letter said. Great writing, no story. Turns out story is pretty important. Or maybe more accurately a good story is pretty important. Regardless of whether you're traditionally published, meaning you sold your novel to a major publisher, or self published, or whether you've written 100 novels before or you're looking to start your very first one, one thing is nonnegotiable. You need a good story. You need a solid structure and an engaging plot. And that's what this course is all about. So there I was with my zillions of rejection letters, feeling pretty bad about…
