From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Theme stated: Exercise

Theme stated: Exercise

- In this session of the Writer's Room, we're going to think about theme and start brainstorming what our theme is and how it can be stated to our hero in a single scene beat that will come somewhere within the set-up beat. And remember, as we do that, we want to make sure we're checking the following boxes. The theme should be directly related to the hero's flaw and what they need to learn in this story, or their life lesson. The theme should be stated by a secondary character. And the theme should be something the main character ignores. Even if you don't get all of these details figured out right at this stage, you should at least be thinking about what the hero's life lesson is, and how it relates to their flaw. For instance, in my story, the flaw is obviously her bad decisions. My hero Brooklyn makes horrible decisions, which means that the theme needs to relate to learning to make better decisions, but also having faith in yourself to make those decisions. While Brooklyn is…
