From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Setup: Exercise

Setup: Exercise

- Welcome back to the Writer's Room. In this session, we're going to be brainstorming our setup beat. Remember, the setup is a multi scene beat that spans, approximately, the first 10% of your novel. During this beat, we want to make sure we're doing the following. Establishing our hero and who they are as a person. Establishing the status quo world our hero inhabits. Establishing the problems our hero has, and setting up the hero's external goal, or what they want. And remember, that external goal should be something tangible that the reader can grasp onto and identify when the hero has achieved it. Here's where you need to start fleshing out that hero that you've chosen, and start thinking more about their status quo world and their life. For my setup beat, I want to show my character Brooklyn. I want to show how her bad decisions are affecting her life in lots of different ways. So, I just started brainstorming about, with her friends, maybe Brooklyn is part of the popular crowd…
