From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Setup: Examples

Setup: Examples

- [Narrator] The movie Bruce Almighty has one of my favorite setups. In the first act of the movie, we learn everything we need to learn about Bruce played by Jim Carrey, his life and his problems. He never wants to get up in the morning because he hates his life. He works as a reporter but hates his job because he's always stuck doing the stupid fluff pieces. He has a nemesis at work named Evan who is always giving him a hard time. He lives with a beautiful girlfriend played by Jennifer Aniston but he doesn't appreciate her all he does is complain all the time. He can't even get his dog to go to the bathroom outside. lots and lots and lots of problems for Bruce. But what does Bruce want more than anything? What is his tangible goal? To become an anchorman! which he will eventually achieve as the story progresses. What about the movie Bridesmaids? Also a terrific setup. In only a few short scenes we learn everything we need to know about Annie Walker played by the fantastic Kristen…
