From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Opening image: Exercise

Opening image: Exercise

- Welcome back to the Writer's Room. In this session, we're focusing on the opening image beat. Remember, the opening image is a single scene beat that serves as a before snapshot of our hero's life. As we brainstorm our own opening images, we want to make sure we do the following. Make it visual, show our hero's flaw manifesting in some way, and set up the tone of the story. So think about your hero, or your main character and think about their big flaw. Remember that's the big thing that needs to be fixed in their life. If you need help figuring out what the flaw is, be sure to go back to the last lecture for review. Now, I want you to think of a way you could show that flaw manifesting in your hero's life in a visual way. For my beat sheet, remember I chose a teenage girl as my hero and makes bad decisions as her big flaw that needs to be fixed and for my opening image, I wanted to show this flaw manifesting, this flaw of bad decisions. So I've named my character, my main…
