From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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How this course works

How this course works

(upbeat music) - Here's how this course works. Each section of the course covers one of the 15 beats in The Save The Cat Beat Sheet or the novel roadmap, as we'll also be calling it throughout the course. Each section is then broken down into three lectures. In the first lecture of each section, we'll start out with an in-depth explanation of the beat, how it works, and where it fits into your novel as a whole. Then, I'll follow it up with a lecture entirely dedicated to examples of that beat, so you can see the beat in action. Most people learn by example, so this is a great way to fully grasp the function and purpose of each beat, and to illustrate how other writers have tackled it. I've chosen to break out the explanations and examples of each beat into separate lectures, so that if you ever need a review, or if you're stuck on a specific beat in the writing process, you can easily jump back to that section and either re-watch the explanation, or the examples, or both. Although…
