From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Fun and games: Explanation

Fun and games: Explanation

- [Jessica] Okay, so we've broken into Act Two, we've met our important new helper story character, the B Story character, who will ultimately help our hero learn the theme. What now? Now we're in the heart of Act Two, the new upside down world. What is happening in this world? What is the hero doing? Remember during their break into two, I told you that your hero needs to be chasing something tangible, going after what they want, fixing their life the wrong way? Well, how's that working out for them? Here in this beat is where we explore that break into two decision and all of its consequences and repercussions. If your hero's break into two was deciding to take on a murder case, then how is that case going? What clues are they solving? What dead ends are they hitting? What false leads have they been running into? If your hero's break into two was starting a relationship with a new love interest, then how is that relationship going? Is there chemistry? Are there problems? What bad…
