From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Fun and games: Exercise

Fun and games: Exercise

- Hello, we're back in the writers room, and ready to have some fun and games. This is the session where we will brainstorm our Fun and Games Beat, which is a multi-scene beat spanning a whopping 30% of our novel, from the break in to two at 20% all the way to the midpoint at 50%. So, obviously a lot has to happen in this beat, including the following, we have to show how the hero is fairing in their Act Two world. Are they generally succeeding on an upward path or are they generally failing on a downward path? We also have to give the hero some ups and downs along their path, so that path doesn't start to feel predictable. We have to show how the hero is pursuing that external goal. And we also have to deliver on the promise of the premise of the novel, which is why the reader picked up the book in the first place. And we have to illustrate how different Act Two is from Act One, which is what will make this beat fun for the reader. So, in My Novel Roadmap, my Fun and Games, I have…
