From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Fun and games: Examples

Fun and games: Examples

- In this lecture, we will be taking a look at some examples from movies and books of the "Fun & Games" beat, Both the Upward Path variety, when the hero is generally succeeding in their new Act Two World and the Downward Path variety, when the hero is generally failing in their new Act Two World. In Bruce Almighty, the break into TWO is when Bruce receives all of God's powers. That's the premise. A mortal man inherits God's powers and it's the reason we see the movie. Bruce has lots of fun with these powers and we have fun watching him. He is a fish out of water, for sure, because he has never had such power before, but he is loving it. He gets everything he's ever wanted, including the anchorman job he coveted in the set-up. This is a great example of an Upward Path. Things are going well for Bruce. He is generally succeeding in this Fun & Games. Legally Blonde, on the other hand, has the opposite Fun & Games. Elle Woods is not succeeding at Harvard Law School, which really comes as…
