From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Finale: Exercise

Finale: Exercise

- Welcome to the grand finale of the Writer's Room, the Finale Beat. In this session, we'll be brainstorming how our heroes wrap everything up, resolve all of their problems from Act Two, and prove that they've learned the theme by acting upon the decision they made in the Break Into 2. So this is a multi-scene beat spanning the last 20% of your novel, and to do it well and make our ending dynamic and satisfying for the readers, we want to make sure we think about the following, how the hero will fix their problems from Act Two, how the hero proves that they've learned the theme and conquered their flaw, how the Finale is difficult for the hero and full of conflict. So here's what I've written down for my Finale Beat. At the Break into 3, Brooklyn has deleted the blog post that asked her readers to make this epic decision for her between Brian and hot bad boy. So she's deleted it and now she's going to make the decision for herself. So she decides to go to the winter formal with the…
