From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Finale: Examples

Finale: Examples

- [Narrator] Now we'll look at some examples of the Finale Beat done well. First up, of course, I have to go back to "Legally Blonde" I told you, the Beat Sheet is really solid. In the Break Into 3, Elle pranced into the courtroom in her pink suit, ready to take on the murder case. But now, she actually has to, you know, take on the murder case, which is easier said than done. She struggles, she overcomes obstacles. At one point, it even seems like she might be in over her head and is ready to quit. But then, in a perfect synthesis Act 3 moment, she uses knowledge from her Act 1 sorority girl world, hair-care knowledge to be exact, and combines it with new skills from her Act 2 law school world to win the case and save the day. Hooray for Elle Woods! In the finale for "The Hunger Games" after Katniss calls Peeta's name, she actually has to, you know, find him, which isn't easy, and when she does find him, he's not doing well. Fortunately, there's medicine that will make him better…
