From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Final image: Explanation

Final image: Explanation

- [Instructor] Well, we've done it. We've reached the final beat of the Save the Cat beat sheet and the last stop on our novel roadmap. The final image is the last scene of your novel. It's a single scene beat that comes, not surprisingly, at the end, because this is the end. It's time to say farewell to our heroes and trust that we left them in a good place. If the opening image was the before snapshot of your hero's life, then the final image is, you guessed it, the after snapshot. It's a visual representation of your hero's life after their transformation is complete. And again, I've underlined the word visual. Like the opening image, this is a showing beat, not a telling beat. Show us who your hero has become. Show us how they've changed. Give us a glimpse at their life now that the epic journey is over. And, as readers, if we were to put that opening image and final image side-by-side and compare them, we should see a huge difference. We should see a massive transformation. We…
