From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Final image: Examples

Final image: Examples

- As we dive into our final examples lecture, we're going to go back to some of the movies and books that we studied in the opening image and match them up with their final images, so we can see how far these heroes have come. The opening image of Inside Out, you'll remember, was Joy being born into Riley's head. And becoming instantly obsessed with her happiness. But then, immediately she faces the conflict of sadness trying to take control of Riley's emotions. Quite literally with a control board. Now compare that to the final image, which shows Joy sharing the controls with all of Riley's emotions. Fear, disgust, anger, and sadness. She now understands that Riley needs to experience all emotions in order to live a good life, not just joy. This is a complete 180 degree turn from the hero, or emotion, that Joy was at the start of the movie. And you remember how The King's Speech opened up? With the would-be King George trying and failing to deliver a speech to his people. He was…
