From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Debate: Exercise

Debate: Exercise

- In this writing room session, we're going to tackle the debate beat. This is a multi-scene beat that spans approximately 10% of your novel, from the 10% mark to the 20% mark. And it takes us from the catalyst to the break into two. So, remember in the debate, we want to sum up the hero's reaction to the catalyst with a question, like what should I do now? Show the hero's resistance to change by not having them make a decision right away. Or if the hero's decision is obvious, show them in some way preparing for the big break into two. So for my story about Brooklyn, who makes bad decisions, she's just been ousted by her best friend in the catalyst, and to sum up her reaction to this catalyst, I think the question is, what will I do now that I don't have my friends, that I don't have Shane in my life and I'm out of the group, like where do I go from here? So her immediate reaction to that is she's going to run away from the school, she's going to run out of the school, and I thought…
