From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Catalyst: Exercise

Catalyst: Exercise

- Okay, we're back in the writers' room. And now we're talking about the catalyst beat. Remember, in this beat, we want to brainstorm a single scene that will come about 10% of the way through the novel. And it should accomplish the following: It should happen to the main character. It should be something active that the hero can't go back from. It should send the story in a new direction. It should force the hero out of their status quo world and towards a brand new world. So in my story, I really want to get Brooklyn out of her status quo world, and towards something new. And I thought the best way to do that is to pull her out of her current school situation and her current friend group. So remember, she's part of this popular crowd, she's sort of the side kick to the queen bee who she worries is mad at her, because ever since the party, she's been ignoring her. And now comes the big moment where Shane, the best friend, is going to publicly diss and oust Brooklyn from the group in…
