From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Break into two: Explanation

Break into two: Explanation

- [Instructor] Huzzah, we've left act one and have entered the brand new exciting world of act two. This beat, called the break into two, happens approximately 20% of the way through your novel. It's where the hero makes a proactive decision to do something and they do it. If the debate was a question then the break into two is the answer to that question. This answer usually comes in one of two variations. One, the hero goes somewhere new. A new land, a new planet, a new school, a new job, a new town or even down a new road. Or two, the hero tries a new way of doing things. Including maybe a new relationship, a new approach to life, a new persona. But the one thing that all break into two decisions have in common is, they all lead the hero into a new world, the act two world. Which we will call the upside down world. Remember act one was the status quo world. And now act two is the upside down version of that, meaning it's got to be different. I see too many great novels fall apart…
