From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Break into three: Explanation

Break into three: Explanation

- [Instructor] The dark night of the soul, our previous beat, had a very specific purpose. It forces the hero to dig deep down, take a long hard look at themselves, and finally come up with a solution to all of the problems they've caused throughout the rest of the story. And by now, there should be quite a few of them. Basically, the dark night of the soul is leading them right here, to the breakthrough, or more accurately, the break into three. The hero finally realizes what they have to do to not only fix all of the problems they've caused in Act Two, but more important, to fix themselves. Remember way back in Act One when the catalyst led the hero to reflect in the debate, which led to a breakthrough in the break into two. Well similarly, the all is lost led the hero to reflect in the dark night of the soul, which has now led them to a final breakthrough in the break into three. Or think of it this way, if you prefer, the all is lost was the death of the old world, and old hero…
