From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Break into three: Exercise

Break into three: Exercise

- Well, we've made it to act three. We're in the home stretch now. In this writers room session we'll be breaking our heroes into act three so they can finally, finally change things the right way. Remember, like the break into two, this is a single scene beat. It happens about 80% of the way through the novel. As we brainstorm our break into three beat we want to make sure that we're doing the following. We're showing our hero making a proactive decision to change the right way, based on what they need not on what they want. We're also identifying how our hero has changed and learned the theme. And we're creating an act three world that is in some way a synthesis of the act one and act two worlds. So, in my story, at the end of the dark night of the soul I think I'm going to have Brooklyn reopen her blog. So remember she closed it at the beginning of the dark night of the soul. So I'm going to have her reopen it because she's still confused about her feelings for Brian and the hot…
