From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Break into three: Examples

Break into three: Examples

- [Instructor] Here are some excellent examples of heroes breaking out of their dark night of the soul and into act three. In Legally Blonde, at the very end of Elle's dark night of the soul, when she's saying goodby to Paulette, her manicurist and B Story. One of her other professors happens to be in the salon, and she overhears Elle's sob story. The professor turns around and says, "If you're going to let one ruin your life, then you're not the girl I thought you were." That was Elle's dark night epiphany. That was the final push or final piece that she needed to realize, I am valuable, I am worth something, and I can do this. The next time we see Elle, is in the Break into Three beat, when Elle enters the court room as the new legal representation of Brook Wyndham, the fitness guru accused of killing her husband. Ell is now a lawyer and she's ready to take on the case. She hasn't actually done it yet, but here is she, ready to give it a try. And just to note little nod to the…
