From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Bad guys close in: Exercise

Bad guys close in: Exercise

- We're back in the Writer's Room and in this session, we're going to be brainstorming the Bad Guys Close In beat, which is another long, multi-scene beat encompassing the next 25% of your novel all the way to the 75% mark. In this beat, we're focusing on building the following story elements. Either an upward path if our midpoint was a false defeat or a downward path if your midpoint was a false victory. This is also where the internal bad guys, those internal flaws of your hero, are going to put more and more pressure on your hero to change and they're going to be wreaking more and more havoc on your hero's life. This is regardless of whether there's an upward path or downward path in this beat. Internal bad guys are always there putting pressure on your hero to change. So, for my beat sheet, for this beat, and because Brooklyn's midpoint was a false defeat, then the Bad Guys Close In is going to be an upward path so things can only get better from here and they do. I'm thinking…
