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Bad guys close in: Examples

Bad guys close in: Examples

- [Instructor] In this lecture, we'll look at some examples of the two different kinds of Bad Guys Close In beats, the downward path Bad Guys Close In and the upward path Bad Guys Close In. Let's look at the downward path variety first. Bruce Almighty. You might remember that in the upward path Fun & Games, Bruce was imbued with God's powers and was having a blast with them. This culminated in a Midpoint of Bruce getting exactly what he wanted, to become the new anchorman. The station throws a celebration party on his behalf, where he kisses a pretty girl from work. And that's when, boom, the stakes are raised, when his girlfriend, played by Jennifer Aniston, walks in on that kiss. Yikes. Bruce's story completely swaps directions here and he immediately falls into his downward path Bad Guys Close In, where all the things he did in the Fun & Games, when he was blatantly abusing God's powers, start to have negative consequences, leading to a state of decline for not only Bruce, but the…
