From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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B story: Explanation

B story: Explanation

- [Instructor] Now that we've broken into act two and left the old world/old way of thinking behind, it's time to meet some new people, one new person in particular. This person is called the B story character. Let's take a moment to define what A and B stories mean in relation to the 15 beats. The A story is the external story. It's the stuff that's happening to the hero on the outside. The hero's quest to find the buried treasure. The hero's journey to another planet to recover a lost space probe. The hero fighting the evil queen who killed their brother. The B story, on the other hand, as defined by the Save the Cat method, is the internal story. It's the stuff that's happening to the hero on the inside. The little internal changes that are happening to the hero as the external events unfold, or, in other words, it's the hero's internal journey toward learning the theme. Aha, there's that pesky little theme again, and heroes, unfortunately, are not the best at learning their theme…
