From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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B story: Exercise

B story: Exercise

- Welcome back to the writer's room. Let's tackle our B story character. Remember in this beat, which is a single scene beat, that comes at the beginning of Act 2. We are meeting a new character, who is either a love interest, a new friend, a mentor, or even a nemesis. Who will in some way represent or teach the hero the theme. Who is a product of the Act 2 world. Meaning the hero couldn't have met this person in the Act 1 world, or they weren't important until the hero broke into two. In my story I think I'm going to tackle two B stories, which, as you know, is called the twin B stories, or having twin B story characters. The first character I want to introduce is an old woman who lives at this convalescent home where Brooklyn has to work as part of her community service. I've decided to call her Mrs. Moody, because, you know, she's moody. I thought she could be really true to her namesake. She's grouchy, she's bitter, she's miserable. Brooklyn doesn't really like her at first. But…
