From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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B story: Examples

B story: Examples

- [Instructor] Here are a few examples of B Story characters in some well known movies and books. First off, let's return to Midnight in Paris. After Gil's debate of, is this real, and how does this time traveling magic work? His break into two, was figuring out how it works, and immediately jumping back into the past. Because remember, he's going after what he wants, which is to escape the present. Even though what he needs, is to learn how to accept the painful present, and live in it. But for now, he's not learning that. He's just escaping into the 1920s, where he thinks life is perfect. Almost as soon as he goes back into the '20s, he meets Adriana, played by the lovely Marion Cottilard. Adriana is definitely a product of the act two world. She's a '20s girl, through and through. She's happy-go-lucky, and carefree, and refreshing. Obviously, he never could have met her in his act one, present-day world. How does she eventually help Gil learn the theme? Because, as he finds out…
