From the course: Windows Server 2019: DHCP and DNS

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Alias (CNAME) record

Alias (CNAME) record

- [Instructor] Another type of resource record we have available to us is something called a CNAME or Alias record. Now the idea here is if we want somebody to look for a host by a certain name and that name is not actually the name of the host. We may do this to shorten the name or simplify the name or, in some cases, just to disguise the name. The best example I can give you of this is when you go onto the internet and you type in www dot whatever your favorite dot com website is. The reality is that there aren't a whole bunch of servers out there on the internet named www. What happens is www signifies that you're looking for the web server and so it'll be an alias that will then redirect to that server. So let me show you how to create one of these alias records. Here I am in the DNS manager on Member one and I'm on the child dot landonhotel dot local zone and so I'm going to just go ahead and right+click in the blank…
