From the course: Visual Studio 2019 Essential Training

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Adding a project to Git

Adding a project to Git

- [Instructor] It's time to look at how to take an existing project and add it to Source Control. I'm using this new project I created called NewUniversalWinapp. If you're following along and want a similar project, go to File, New Project. Choose C Sharp. And then Desktop. Now I use this template, Blank App Universal Windows. Click on Next, provide a name and a location, and then click on Create. Next step is to make sure I have Git selected as my source control provider. To do that, I'll go to Tools, Options. Search for Source. And then make sure I have Git selected here. I've got two choices. Make sure you have Git selected, and then click Okay. To create a brand new repo in Git, you call the init command. That creates an empty repository. Then you take the files that you want and you add them to a staging area. And once you're ready, you call commit to save the changes to the repository. In Visual Studio, I can do all of that with a single action. I'll pop open this folder. I want…
