From the course: Virtual Job Interviews for Non-Native English Speakers

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Answering tough questions

Answering tough questions

- You can and should prepare to answer some of the most commonly asked interview questions. However, it's impossible to prepare for every potential question. And it's likely that some of the questions, for different reasons, will be difficult to answer. Let's take a look at some strategies for responding to tough interview questions. The interviewer may well ask you questions that call for you to speak about uncomfortable situations or difficult working relationships. Examples of these include, why do you want to leave your current job? And, tell me about your most positive and most negative management experiences. Even if a completely honest answer to these questions would involve directly blaming someone else for behaving badly or doing something wrong, it is best not to do so in an interview. Unlike when you are talking about your strengths and accomplishments, with these kinds of questions, it's better not to provide…
