From the course: Virtual Investing in Real Estate

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Understanding high-level market selection

Understanding high-level market selection

From the course: Virtual Investing in Real Estate

Understanding high-level market selection

- [Instructor] Market selection. First, we want to do macro economic research. That's high level looking at the entire country to understand hey, what areas of the country should I be investing? Then we move on to looking at market research, which is micro economic. Get into the neighborhoods. What neighborhoods are going to be profitable? What neighborhoods should I stay out of? And then we move on to, how do we find deals? How do we renovate them without ever seeing them? And then how do you sell them or rent them out depending on what your exit strategy is going to be. And then we rinse and repeat because it can be very profitable. And when, when it is, I'm pretty happy right about that. So, so let's jump into market selection. So we look at the entire US and we identify certain cities perhaps they're cities of interest to you because you like vacationing there, perhaps they're cities of interest to you because you have…
