From the course: Video Pre-production for Low-Budget Films

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Learning from the pre-shoot

Learning from the pre-shoot

- I would strongly recommend everyone pre-shooting these without any equipment or lighting or sound considerations in mind, it's just the story working. This is a great exercise. - I think on paper our storyboard, we thought it was the most efficient way to tell the story, but we're kinda realizing that there's some redundancies towards the end, like act one of the script and the climax are pretty similar in terms of the blocking, the staging and the character. These two shots are very similar - Too similar. The whole point of this exercise was field testing the story and field testing the location. - We didn't think of this before, but that hallway is kinda like a boring hallway if you're shooting from eye level, but as soon as you get low it gets really intersting, but then it gets kinda warped and distorted and very cool. - And let's talk about that, because we did discover quickly in this conversation, but crawling is more cinematic. She has the rosary against the floor and she's…
