From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Building a composite sequence in Apple Final Cut Pro X

Building a composite sequence in Apple Final Cut Pro X

From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

Building a composite sequence in Apple Final Cut Pro X

- Now that we've got some footage in our project, let's go ahead and set up the first composite, as well as drop in a background. This process is pretty straight forward, but I want to walk you through in case you're not familiar. Let's go ahead and make a new project to hold these clips. I'll call this key one, and put it in the test key project. Note I can adjust the settings here and the frame rate, as well as the rendering. I can also use automatic settings based on the first video clip. So now, if I drag that clip in, it will automatically conform to that clip. Let's make another project for the next one. File, new, project, key two. And we'll drag in the next shot, and let it conform. And file, new, project, key three. And add in the shot. And you see it auto conforms. Now, you could of put these all in one sequence, but I want to keep 'em easily organized here for working. Simply double click on the sequence to open it. You can press the space bar to play back the clip in real…
