From the course: UX for Web Forms

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Colors and design

Colors and design - Adobe XD Tutorial

From the course: UX for Web Forms

Colors and design

- [Narrator] Human beings are incredibly sensitive to color. Our brains process it without us even realizing it and we can't help noticing differences. In our forms, we can use this feature of human biology to our advantage. Reserve color for things that need it so that they stand out in some way. Here are some parts of a form that may benefit from color. Buttons, key messaging like errors, links, progress indicators. Color can help differentiate past, current, and future steps. Headings. Color is used to make headings stand out. You may want to use color as a form background. And color is great to use for branding, things like a logo or standard headers. Notice how each of the examples I've just shown you used very few colors overall. The most color you use, the less it succeeds in making things stand out. So what colors should you use? Usually, your organization will have a palette of colors that you can refer to.…
