From the course: Understanding US Patents: A Deeper Dive


(bell dinging) - Welcome. I'm Dana Robinson. I'd like to teach you about patent law and the protection of ideas. As an IP attorney, I have a fun job. Every day someone comes to me with an idea. The modern world is all about innovation. From a young age, we're taught that ideas have value and that people are rewarded for good ideas. We learned that ideas can even be a pathway to great wealth, and in many cases, ideas can change the world that we live in. As a result of this being pervasive in our culture, all of us have ideas, and most people, at one point or another, have an idea that they think might be a winner. Whether you're an individual or part of a corporate team, if you have ideas, then you need to learn about how patent law can protect those ideas. Protecting a great idea is important, and it can be really exciting. But it's not the only reason to learn about patent law. If you own a business, then you could have risk that you could do something to violate someone else's patent and be sued for infringement. Infringement litigation can bankrupt a small company. And for a larger company, the cost can still be debilitating. In this course, I'll help you understand what's patentable and talk you through the process of obtaining a patent. In addition, I'll teach you about patent infringement and help you search for patents. In the end, I hope to help you know enough to talk intelligently to a patent attorney and how to diminish your infringement risk. Let's dig in. By watching this course, you agree to the following disclaimer.
