From the course: Understanding UK Business Finance and Tax

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Venture capital schemes: EIS, SEIS, VCTs

Venture capital schemes: EIS, SEIS, VCTs

From the course: Understanding UK Business Finance and Tax

Venture capital schemes: EIS, SEIS, VCTs

Are you a fairly new business seeking investment, or an investor looking for tax breaks for your investments? If this is you, then you'll certainly find this video useful. In this video, I'm going to talk you through a number of schemes set up by the government designed to help small to medium-sized enterprises grow by attracting investment. Anyone who invests in companies that meet the conditions of these schemes are given various tax breaks on their investments. A company may qualify for the Enterprise Investment Scheme, or EIS, if it has less than £15 million in assets, less than 250 employees, and has been trading for less than seven years. The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme is similar to the Enterprise Investment Scheme, but is for newer and smaller companies. A company can qualify for the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme if it is no older than two years, it has less than £350,000 in assets, less than 25 employees, and hasn't carried out any other trade. A venture capital…
