From the course: Understanding UK Business Finance and Tax

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Keeping up to date with UK business tax

Keeping up to date with UK business tax

Well done for reaching the end of this course. There's a lot of information to take in, so you can give yourself a pat on the back for making it through to the end. A lot of ground has been covered. We've covered all the different types of taxes that businesses pay, including corporation tax, National Insurance, VAT, stamp duty, and vehicle excise duty. We've been through a number of tax breaks and tax reliefs, including pensions, loss relief, capital allowances, Business Asset Disposal Relief, the Enterprise Investment Scheme, and so on. And we've looked at other matters that affect the amount of tax businesses pay, such as being part of a group or having overseas operations or using simplified expenses. Remember to check the latest tax rates and brackets, and remember to use the available tools such as the .gov website, the HMRC tax manuals, or professional advisers if you'd like to delve into the detail beyond the core principles of each tax that's been covered in this course. So…
