From the course: Understanding Organizations and the Role of HR

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Organizational ethics and employment law

Organizational ethics and employment law

- Doing the right thing in business and work is at the heart of running a good business that people feel proud and safe to be a part of. And yet we hear about unethical practices in business that still happen. Awful practices such as pollution, environmental damage, to not fairly paying people for extra hours worked, or overlooking someone for a roll simply because they're older than other candidates. As an HR practitioner, you will be responsible for helping the organization with its duty to protect itself and its workforce in line with the law and fairer practices like flexible working, childcare, and occasional paid overtime. Unethical may not be the same as illegal. Because someone stays late to finish some work for a struggling colleague, it's not illegal to not pay them extra for this work or to take on duties to help them prepare for a promotion or a career change. And yet, it's not a good practice that their…
