From the course: Typography and Layout: A Practical Guide

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Timetables: Part 2

Timetables: Part 2

- [Instructor] As accorded to the previous movie, I want to show you how we can use table styles to speed up the formatting of multiple tables. As anyone who's ever used table styles in InDesign will tell you, they can be very frustrating but I'm going to show you a neat trick that involves using a script that will make things a bit easier for us. So we need to have invested some time in setting up cell styles which get incorporated into the table style. Now, I have already done that. If we look on the table panel, cell styles, I have all of these ones already set up. So I've got my highlight style, my body style, my bullet style, my column head, and my header style. So these styles will incorporate as well as the formatting of the table cell, they will incorporate the paragraph style 'cause one I haven't yet created and it's the tint. So I'm just going to put my cursor in one of those and press escape, which will select…
