From the course: Typography and Layout: A Practical Guide

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Résumé and CV

Résumé and CV

- [Instructor] A CV or resume might seem like a very straightforward project, but if you're creating or updating your own, it's going to be a challenge. Firstly, what do we call this summary of our working achievements and qualifications and how do we write it? In the United States, it's usually a resume, elsewhere it's a CV or curriculum vitae. In some places, the two words may be used interchangeably, in others they may mean different things so be sure to check what is common usage in your region. If it's a resume, you can spell it with the accents or without, if you're opting to spell it with the accents both E's should be accented, not just one. When creating a resume, put yourself in the mindset of the person who will be reading it. They will likely be reading or scanning lots of other resumes at the same time. Keep it clean and simple and consistent. Don't use too many fonts or font sizes. Make sure the type has good…
